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It's road construction season...
Here's what you need to know to find us!
Road construction has closed the east side of Main Street and is making it more challenging to get to west Main Street from State Highway 23/75.
If you’re coming into Pipestone from the north on Highway 75 or northeast on Highway 23, you will want to turn west (right) one block north of Main Street. This is the road immediately south of Casey’s and the first street you can turn right on after the train tracks on Highway 75 as you’re driving south (2nd Street NE). Continue west to either Hiawatha (corner with First Bank & Trust and the Ewert Rec. Center) or 2nd Avenue NW. Turn south (left) and go one block to arrive on Main Street. We are located on the corner of 2nd Avenue and Main Street, one block west of Hiawatha.
If you’re coming into Pipestone from the south on Highway 23, the southeast from Highway 75, or from the east or west on Highway 30, it may be easiest to turn north on Hiawatha from Highway 30 to get to Main Street.